Information & FAQ.

Who may participate?

All clubs are welcome to participate in the Asia Pacific Football Tournament regardless of country as long as your meet the age requirements.

We encourage you to enter your team if you are in the following categories:

  1. School
  2. Academy
  3. Club or Independent Team
  4. Company
  5. Professional or Sponsored

Number of players per team & Age control

There is no limit to players in each team, but it is highly suggested that your team limit themselves to 12 players in order to ensure all players have a good opportunity to play.

All your players must be able to show proof of age and identity. We recommend that your players use the same shirt number throughout the tournament. If a team wishes to question the age of a player, they must do so prior to the start of their match or the result of the current game will stand.

Age verification can be done in the following methods for team submissions.

  1. Government issued ID.
  2. Birth Certificate
  3. In some cases we will accept company/school signed and stamped letters with approval from the organizing committee.

If your team is found to be breaking the age rule, or a player is not registered, the punishment is at the sole discretion of the organizer. All decisions are final. In addition, any team breaking the age rule will be banned from the tournament for the following year of competition.

Categories of participation

Category A – Hotel accommodation:
Hotel booking through APFT. The fee is inclusive of APFT Card and breakfast. Contact your country manager for pricing and availability. Lunch and dinner vouchers for meals at nearby restaurants can be purchased. Transportation from/to airport for international teams is included from your Hotel.

Category B – Own accommodation:
Teams arranging their own accommodation. The fee is inclusive of the APFT Card. No transportation included.

See Costs/Fee information for each category here.


We are proud to offer a number of food options for you at the field as supplied by vendors. We will have both local and international food types available at a cost to be determined by the supplier.

Special Food

For people with special food needs/allergies we are able to arrange this. If you wish to order Vegetarian/Vegan/Gluten Free or other food the cost is 15 USD minimum per person per meal. The price depends on the specific request.  These meals must be requested before the registration deadline and paid in advance.

Team information

All registered teams in The Asia Pacific Football Tournament are responsible for supplying the requested items. The includes fees, team information, and special requests before the registration deadline in May.

We are currently working on an Online Portal System for this to make the process easier for you. We will update everyone registered upon signup for our new updates when this is operational.

Until further notice, after registration is confirmed and fees paid. We will work with you directly to support all needed information and other requirements.

Prizes & Trophies

Teams will be divided into 1, 2, or 3 group on the 2nd day depending on the total number of teams. This will help ensure the maximum/fair number of games compared to other groups.

For teams reaching the finals in each age group’s top bracket, each player will receive a medal. The team receives a specially designed APFT trophy. Third place will also receive a team trophy and medals.

For teams reaching the finals in the lower bracket of each age group, there will be medals for the winners, and a trophy for both teams.

In addition to the trophies and metals for the regular competition results, we are also looking to award:

  1. MVP awards to field and goal keepers,
  2. Fair play,
  3. Team spirit,
  4. Other special awards.

Finally, there may be other benefits and prizes awarded based on skill or challenge based games.

All awards are given based on the sole discretion of the organizing committee and event staff unless otherwise requested.

Insurance & Responsibility

Insurance for injury is the responsibility of each team and player. APFT does not cover or accept any responsibility for any event which may cause harm, injury, loss, or any other type of claim. In the event there is an issue on or off the field in any capacity the team and or legal guardian must take care of it without the support of the APFT or its staff.
In the event of an injury on the field, we will have medical services standing by whenever possible. Medical services are present to assist in matters needing attention. Any other event that requires authorities or attention should be handled by the guardian or team management directly.


All payments need to be done before the final deadline. Any team missing payment or with partial payment forfeits both their space and any payment made.

The registration fee or deposit must be paid within 10 days of submitting the registration online. Final payment is due before the final deadline. Accommodation fee must be paid no later than 5 calendar days after booking. If the cost of accommodation has not been paid for 5 calendar days after its due date, the APFT has the right to cancel your registration without any right to a refund or compensation for the registered team/club. In this event, the hotel availability and price may change.

All payments need to be done in 1 of the following methods:

Paypal* (4.7% fee)

Bank Transfer* (All bank charges on both sides)

Credit Card* (4.7% fee)

*Please note that any fees associated with bank transfers are the responsibility of the sender. This includes any fees on both sides of the transaction.

Once we receive the payment of your registration fee we will confirm your registration. 

All payments should be completed in USD. If there is any issue with the payment receipt we will update you on our payment deadline dates. If you need additional information, please contact us directly.

Age Category Information (Proposed): 2019

B18 – Boys born 1/1-01 and later (7-a-side)
B16 – Boys born 1/1-03 and later (7-a-side)
B15 – Boys born 1/1-04 and later (7-a-side)
B14 – Boys born 1/1-05 and later (7-a-side)
B13 – Boys born 1/1-06 and later (7-a-side)
B12 – Boys born 1/1-07 and later (7-a-side)
B11 – Boys born 1/1-08 and later (7-a-side)
B10 – Boys born 1/1-09 and later (7-a-side)
B9   – Boys born 1/1-10 and later (7-a-side)

Please note that girls may participate in the boys division and may be 1 year older.

What is the registration deadline?

The final deadline for making a registration is June 30th if the age bracket is not already completely full. We expect this will be the case very quickly for some divisions.

However, we encourage team’s to register, and if accepted, pay before January 31st. The Early Bird Discount and other savings can be applied.

Please note that we will make cutoff points for the total number of teams that enter due to location optimization and time constraints. If you need more information, please let us know.

The APFT Card includes

  • Free access to the Welcoming Party.
  • Free or discounted prices at select local businesses that are partnered with the APFT.
  • Access to the fields at the tournament grounds. (Any person without the APFT Card must remain off the field, this includes parents of participants)

APFT Coach/Staff/Parents Card

Each team that have booked their place receives at least 1 Coach Card. Giving entry to the APFT Coach’s Welcome Party, the fields, free entry to the Coach Party on Saturday, APFT Coach polo shirt and entrance to the APFT Coach’s Area at the field.

If you need more, you can purchase extra cards for 100 USD each, and it is excluding polo shirt.

These cards must be purchased by the registration deadline.

Any team that books their own accommodation will need to purchase cards as they need.

Please note that you must keep the card on your person at all times. If you are found to be in possession or attempt to use another person’s card, it will be confiscated. As a result no refunds will be offered. Which may result in you being removed/banned from the entire tournament.

Local Transportation

Return transfer between airport terminal in Ho Chi Minh and your accommodation is included in the accommodation fee if you registered for that category. Note that there is only one return transfer per team/group included.

The transfer is exclusively for teams, and NOT for accompanying people. Transfer must be booked in advance with your hotel and is managed by the hotel. If you require additional transportation for your entire group, please let us know and we will be happy to book you a separate vehicle through APFT directly.

Transportation to the fields each day can be done via Taxi, Grab, or private transfer. If you require private transfer we can arrange trip based, or all day rental rates for cars and buses up to  35 seats. These reservations must be completed at least 2 weeks before the tournament. Availability is limited, for more information contact us directly after registration.

Accommodation booked through APFT

We take your stay with our partner hotels seriously and we hold them to high standards. That standard also goes for your team’s actions as well when staying with us.

As such, we reserve us the right during the tournament if needed to move a team from a hotel to another comparable hotel if needed. We also reserve the right to dismiss you from a hotel or remove/ban you from the tournament.

If you are found in violation of the local law which might have criminal implications, or in violation of hotel rules on multiple occasions we will act accordingly. This information may be shared with the local authorities if needed.

For teams with booked accommodation through APFT, the team manager as indicated on the Participants list is responsible for the team. Good behavior and safety during the entire tournament weekend is paramount for everyone.

Cancelation of The Tournament and Force Majeure

In the event that the tournament can’t be held or is postponed due to events beyond the control of the tournament organizers (force majeure*) or due to events which are not attributable to wrongful intent or gross negligence or the tournament organizers, the tournament organizers cannot be held liable by any party for any damages, costs or losses incurred, such as transportation costs, accommodation costs, costs for additional orders, financial losses etc.

Under these circumstances and based on the information available, the tournament organizers reserve the right to either retain the entire registration/accommodation fee and to use it for a future tournament, or to reimburse the party after deducting costs already incurred for the organization of the tournament and which could not be recovered from third parties.

*The Asia Pacific Football tournament and anyone working on behalf of it is in no way responsible for injury or economic loss which may arise in the case of war, warlike events, civil war, revolution or civil disturbances or because of the actions of the authorities, strikes, lockouts, blockades, or similar events.

Important dates

January 30: Last day for EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT on team registrations and payments. Payment must be received by this date, it is not APFT’s responsibility and no exceptions will be made!

June 30: Last date for the accommodation fee/participation fee for teams. This is dependent on the total number of teams and is not an excuse to wait.

July 10: Final date for payments of extra orders as extra Coach Cards or special food.

July 25-26: Arrival day, no matches are played. Welcome event and age verification.

July 27: The matches begin.

July 28: Championship competitions.

The APFT reserves the right to amend the dates as needed for whatever reason they deem fit. In the event that a date is changed we will inform parties through our news letter and website accordingly. No advance notice may be given based on the circumstance.